anyone familiar with the writings of joseph moncure march, best known for his long poem "the wild party" will recognize this immediately as an imitation

ruby was a redhead and she knew the score she worked in a department store but she wanted more much more
persian rugs on the floor a house by the seashore a rich husband who wasn't a bore
rings on every knuckle golden slippers with silver buckles high heel sneakers with silken laces every hand - four aces
she wanted to be a rich mans wife and never work another day in her life as she stood on her little feet all day she thought there must be a better way
some people in this lonesome town never look up and always look down and say i'm lucky that i am not them and thank the lord amen
but that was not ruby's way today or any other day like a buttercup drinking the suns rays ruby always looked up
like a teacup lifted to elegant lips in stylish sips on round the world trips
ruby looked around but no satisfaction she found her ship had run aground right into the dog pound
when would it be her turn? was it too late to learn how this low account life to spurn and began to seriously earn

ruby's avaricious dreams flowed in never ending streams as she stood at her post like a restless little ghost mrs carson approached and the subject was broached
of the return of a pair of shoes this was old news mrs carson's persistence was the curse of ruby's existence
she would waste ruby's time for a dollar or a dime buy and return buy and return

with fate's permission she taunted ruby with unearned commission
ruby managed a smile but all the while
as the blue earth turned her white hot ambition burned
Dang! Routine can be devastating, turning visionaries into zombies. A tragedy!
Great poem, rhoda. Looking forward to part 2!
I loved this poem, I recognise element of my life in.
Indeed flowering, ideas and colors.
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