a turn of the card will never be accepted
as final not while other decks
can be produced and the room never closes
and night never intrudes
closing in after lunch dying of hydraulic overhauls
riding rails without tomorrow every heavy elephant laughs
delivering seven sisters tambourines after eddie nodded negatively
don't expect youthful exuberance truthful predictions verify instantly
many friends expect sympathy graciously understanding murderous impulses
overlooking terrible intentions absolutely observing annual returns carefully
blind neanderthals blink hesitatingly if you like this
i got a million more just like it everybody likes stories
but they know exactly what stories they like
so a turn of the card will never be accepted as final
The purple haired dude looks like he is up to some cheating, glancing at the cards. I would trust the bear before him, anytime.
Lovely poem and artwork.
Yes, the guy looks a bit of a cheater. However I think the woman in the middle of them is a croupier. A grand piece.
thanks guys, glad you like it.
ande, you are right, the woman is a croupier or house dealer. it looks like she is styling a bit with her shuffling - she should probably be covering the cards better with her hands.
Very nice blog, poet, I will include it at my blog roll.
Cheers from Panama.
Superb poem, man.
Just got back from Berlin. I had some extra time and I visited a casino there and had fun. It felt like a 50s film; I drank White Russians and wore a suit which I never do normally.
looked for u all over, finally found u here!
Lovely words, and beautifully scripted
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