Saturday, January 2, 2010

Talia lit

Talia lit
a candied wick,
her annual try
to melt away
the cherry-glazed

but having
no taste for cake
and no fondness
for pie, she drips pink-
blue stings on her

palm, its cracks
brimming with waxy
rivers, to set
a striped and flamed
believing, where
as when

the tremors
go out, she'll wish
for tears to rise
and curled smoke to close
the black eyes of

Francis Scudellari


Jenny said...

This one has a unobtrusive feel about it, which is still powerful.

This is my favorite:

"she drips pink-
blue stings on her

palm, its cracks
brimming with waxy
rivers, to set
a striped and flamed"

Stunning lines!

Akeith Walters said...

My favorite line:

"...curled smoke to close
the black eyes of

Beautiful image. Great writing.

Claudette Cohen said...

Such a furtive pathos in this poem. Fantastic rhythm achieved. "To close the black eyes of heaven" is one of those phrases you ought to be able to build a retirement on. Beautifully done.