Wednesday, January 27, 2010

[they are....]

they are stopping to consider the trees
how a shopping trolley
to roll the wind track like a trail
yes, Timothy was nice

only eat drink sleep
or once in a while
presently smelling so new
all blown to hell gone out
another happens, or is happening
so sporting like cricket the seabirds

there is formica there are robots
to be scared of an absence
as I to be bookish
and unending a fillet
summers day or
toothy grinning man

a street corner or elevator
buried as iconoclast
over stopping foppish radio
and department stores
a loop that is dependent
contextually the dew
floating over bridges
brittle to support breakage
a jawbone


Anders said...

It flows smoothly over the channels, loops and varied conclusions I found in your poem. Dreadfully good piece.

Jenny said...

Wow, this is brilliant. It feels as if quicksand or some kind of eerie breeziness run through the lines.

Thanks for this one, Ross.

Megan Duffy said...

Wow, Ross. The entire poem is stunning. I particularly love:

"there is formica there are robots
to be scared of an absence
as I to be bookish
and unending a fillet
summers day or
toothy grinning man"

Anonymous said...

I like very much about this one.

And always when i'm reading something that i like very much it's given an inpiration to me:

i sometimes to cut-up poems and your poem give an inpiration to this...

roll the wind

drink and sleep:
you: the early bird:


filled with radiosummers

roll the wind

So thank You for the enjoyable reading, your enjoyable poem!

Anonymous said...

This is really good.